lunes, mayo 25, 2009

Wings3D 1.1.1

Nueva actualización de versión de desarrollo de Wings3D.

La versión estable ahora es la 1.0


Notas:[En inglés]
- The data structure for the vertex tables has been changed.   (There is one vertex table to keep track of the vertex positions,   and another vertex table used for finding edges and face around   the vertex.) The new data structure is faster and uses less memory.   [bjorng]  
- When displaying vertices and edges, a feature in OpenGL called vertex arrays is used to faster transfer the data from Wings into OpenGL.   This way of displaying geometry is slightly faster than the previous   method. [dgud, bjorng]  
- ESDL updated to 1.0.1. (The next release in the 1.1 series will probably   not work without that version of ESDL.) [bjorng]  
- Magnets are now drawn correctly in Tweak when selections across multiple   objects are dragged. [optigon]  
- Selectings multiple objects in Tweak and calling a command via a hotkey would   only affect one of the objects. Now corrected. [optigon]  
- Crash reported by Fonte Boa corrected. [optigon]  
- Tweak mode temporary selection fix. [optigon]

VLC 0.9.9

Nueva versión del reproductor multiplataforma gratuito OpenSource con licencia GNU y con soporte a múltiples idiomas.
La versión 1.0-rc ya existe en estado alpha, pero desde la página del autor/ sitio oficial de momento sólo ofrecen la 0.9.9.


lunes, mayo 18, 2009

Wings3D 1.1

Nueva actualización del modelador por subdivisión basado en Nendo & Mirai.


Notas: (en inglés)

- Added a new preference in the Misc tab to turn on a Develop menu containing various tools for the Wings developers. [bjorng]  
- Added a command to the new Develop menu to automatically time all executed commands. The command name and time will be printed   to the console. [bjorng] 
- Added a command to the new Develop menu to automatically print out information about the undo queue. [bjorng] 
- The data structure for the edge table has been changed. 
The new   data structure is faster and uses less memory. Approximately 4   words (1 word = 4 bytes) per edge is saved.    
Plug-ins that depend on the edge table being a gb_tree will not work. More details can be found in the Change log (which follows   these notes at Sourceforge). [bjorng, optigon]

lunes, mayo 11, 2009

K-meleon 1.5.3

Nueva versión del libiano navegador de código abierto basado en Gecko con licencia GPL (General Public License) GNU y de plataforma Win32 básicamente, con soporte a varios idiomas.

Con esta versión corrigen varios bugs anteriores.


sábado, mayo 09, 2009

Wings 3D 1.0-rc2

Nueva actualización! Están que se salen.

Notas: (en Inglés)
- This is the second release candiate for the long-awaited Wings 1.0 release.
Until 1.0 is released, we will only fix bugs. [bjorng]

- Updated the build instructions in the BUILD.unix and BUILD.win32 files
to note that R13B and esdl-1.0 are now required. Also updated the
AUTHORS file. [bjorng]

- The eyedropper tool is now working. The actual bug was in ESDL and
has been fixed esdl-1.0. (Thanks to Scorpius.) [bjorng]

- The icon in top left corner of the Wings windows (in Windows) was still
the old one, and so was the icon on the application switching screen (Alt+Tab
in Windows). I have now replaced the icon with the new one, but unfortunately
I could not use any transparancy so I had to pick a light gray color
that at least in Windows XP is not that noticeable. (This particular icon
is set through SDL and SDL only allows a hard-edged mask which might make
the edges look jagged. I haven't actually tried setting an hard-edged mask
yet because it didn't work in esdl-0.96.0626 - I might try it for the next
Release Candidate now that the bug is fixed in esdl-1.0.) [bjorng]

- If Smart Highlighting was turned on, and the hard edge width was set to 1, and
the selected-edge width was set to 2 (or higher), there would be an irritating
flicker as the hard edges width would be 2 pixels wide when an edge was
highlighed and 1 pixel wide when a face or vertex was selected.
(Thanks to Gordo.) [bjorng]

Descarga: Sourceforge (Windows).


martes, mayo 05, 2009


No he podido resistir la tentación :)) y he instalado EASY PEASY (distro ubuntu eeepc) en mi Asus Eeepc 4G.
La instalación es simple y rápida, si no te convence formatear el SDHH de 4GB, siempre puedes hacerlo correr en una SD o en una memoria USB, lo malo es que no guarda las configuraciones.

Me gusta, tiene más opciones que la distro de Xandros, aunque la verdad, lo entiendo relativamente, me considero usuario avanzado y uso el netbook para trabajo (algunas veces ocio), y xandros me quedaba pequeño.

Un gusto.

Por cierto, aunque no tiene relevancia, he instalado Wings3D en mi Asus EEEPC y funciona!!! :))))
